Socially engaged Performance III: Social Theatre

Course Code
ECTS Credits
3rd / 5th / 7th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category

Athena Stourna

Course Description

The aim of this course is to examine the possibilities of social reintegration that the theatre may provide to specific vulnerable, disadvantaged or socially marginalised communities (homeless, refugees and immigrants, prisoners, inmates in homes for the elderly, and other institutions). During the semester, students will become acquainted with contemporary theories and practices of Social Theatre, through an inter-artistic approach. In addition, students will focus on the rules and conducts that govern these specific communities and the spaces occupied by them (streets, refugee and migrant camps, prisons, homes for the elderly, centres of social reintegration, etc.). Finally, students will understand the relationship between theatre and social work through a series of practical projects.